
Fresh Water Beaches - Central Massachusetts

Lake Swimming Area - Douglas State Forest - Douglas, MA - Photo Credit Jezabell Tang
Douglas State Forest

107 Wallum Lake Road Douglas, MA, 01516 Phone: 508-476-7872

This state forest includes Wallum Lake, which has a swimming beach, picnic area, boat ramp, and many other outdoor activities. The park is popular and can reach capacity during high season in summer. - Trail Map (PDF)
East Brimfield Lake Swimming Area - East Brimfield, MA - Photo Credit Peter Plumb
East Brimfield Lake / Holland Pond / Lake Siog / Quinebaug River Recreation Area

Route 20 and East Brimfield Holland Road East Brimfield, MA, 01010 Phone:

Swimming in a lake and several ponds at this very large recreation area.
Lakeside Beach - Leominster State Forest - Leominster, MA - Photo Credit Sharon Vardi
Leominster State Forest

90 Fitchburg Road - Route 31 Leominster, MA, 01420 Phone: 508-874-2303

Leominster State Forest has two ponds. Crow Hill Pond has a swimming beach, a changing house, two picnic areas with tables and grills. Lifeguards are on duty from mid-June until Labor Day. This pond also is stocked with trout. The other pond is Paradise Pond. From Memorial Day to Labor Day, parking fees are charged in the paved parking lots. This property also is used for hiking, mountain biking, and cross country skiing. - Trail Map (PDF)
Lakeside Foliage - Hopkinton State Park - Hopkinton, MA - Photo Credit Jinseuk Oh
Hopkinton State Park

164 Cedar Street Hopkinton, MA, 01748 Phone: 508-435-4303

This park on the Hopkinton Reservoir has two swimming beaches staffed by life guards May through Labor Day and stocked fishing. On busy summer days, parking lot may fill up, requiring closing of the park for limited periods of time. For closure updates, follow the park on Twitter at @MassDCR. - Trail Map (PDF)
Shore Park Beach

111 Shore Drive Worcester, MA Phone:

This is one of two sandy beaches operated by the City of Worcester of Indian Lake, which is 193 acres with a mean depth of about 11 feet. The beach has a 200-foot beachfront for swimming, picnic and recreation areas, and food concessions. Life guards on duty during public hours. For access to boat ramps, visit Clason Road Beach, also on Indian Lake but with limited access through a neighborhood. Fishing is popular here, where fishermen can find tiger muskie and northern pike, largemouth bass, yellow perch, carp, and black crappies.
Hours: Noon to 7 p.m.
Coes Pond Beach

200 Mill Street Worcester, MA Phone:

The Coes Reservoir (commonly referred to as Coes Pond) property includes the Coes Beach and bathhouse, Coes Knife Dam, Columbus Park, the former Fenton Parcel and the former Knights of Columbus.The Major Taylor Bike Trail passes Coes Pond. Beach is operated by the City of Worcester. This is a fresh water beach with bathrooms. Life guards are on duty during public hours. Free parking. Open year round.
Hours: Noon to 7 p.m.
Bell Pond

238 Belmont Street Worcester, MA Phone:

City-run beach; life guards on duty noon to 7 p.m.; free parking; bathrooms

This pond is located within the city's Bell Hill Park, and it is popular among Worcester residents. Along with other city of Worcester beaches, it is typically open for general public access the first week of July through the mid-August. Bathrooms; lifeguards on duty during public hours. Free parking. Open year-round.
Hours: Noon to 7 p.m.